Barfield Home Inspections & Pest Control, PLLC
Serving Beaumont Texas and Surrounding Areas
Texas Real Estate Commission Professional Real Estate Inspector License #4935
James Barfield
Phone: 409-697-3360
Email: info@homeinspectorsbeaumonttx.com



James & Cheryl

Barfield is a family owned business that has been in operation for 20 years. James (Rusty) Barfield and his brother Randy lead the way in home inspection and termite inspection in the state of Texas. They are proud to provide top of the line assistance to their clients.

We’re the respected and trusted name in the industry due to our experience and valued customer service. We listen to your concerns and follow through, allowing peace of mind for our clients.

James (Rusty) Barfield is always thorough and enjoys taking the time to inspect the home with the client, to answer questions, and to give advice about repairs. Mr. Barfield is a field-experienced inspector and follows national standards as well as those of the State of Texas.

Come talk to Barfield Home Inspections and Pest Control, PLLC today, and learn more about how Rusty and Randy Barfield can help you.

From Rusty:

I have been working since I was 10 years old. My Papaw Woods was a farmer that always needed a field hand to work and I always loved spending time with him. No one else of us Grandkids wanted to work but I would do anything to be around him so I talked him into teaching me how to drive a tractor when I was 10. He had these huge Massey Ferguson tractors with big fenders and I used to ride for hours on the fender while he drove. Sometimes I would spend the entire day riding that tractor with him. Then I got to where I would operate the hydraulics for him when he would turn around on the turn rows. Very few words were said during these training days as he didn't have much to say. One day we were plowing with a 4 row disc about halfway through the field and had just made a turn and got straightened out and throttled back up when he stood up and said "Here" motioning for me to take the wheel and the seat. So I did and the next thing I know he steps off the tractor and starts walking back to his truck. I just kept going and never let up. I was a little bit scared when I got to the turn but I did it just like I had watched him do hundreds of times and it went smooth as silk. There I go. That was the beginning of what has become my life. My Papaw was the very best at what he did and the few words of knowledge he shared with me that day and all the times I spent with him have patterned the way I approach every job I perform to this day. You see, there is an art to farming and it requires expertise. When you take to a field with a tractor and a piece of equipment, there is a technique that has to be used to turn the earth and prepare it in a special way for crops to produce the highest and best quality yield. I remember one particular lesson on how to make your rows straight and why. If your rows are straight, it will be easier to harvest. If you have crooked rows you are wasting acreage and the machine you use to harvest will miss some of the crops. My Papaw would always start in the middle of the field and pick a direction he wanted the soil to be turned in. He would take the radiator cap on the tractor and line it up with a marker at the end of the field. Most of the time it would be a distant tree. Once you got lined up with the marker, you would plow towards that mark in as straight a line as possible. Once you made that first cut, you would work to one side of the field, go back to the first cut and work to the other side. I will admit though, my rows were NOT always straight. It was hard for me as a 10 year old to stay focused on something on the horizon for that length of time. I can remember lining my tractor up and plowing to the end of the field and looking back just knowing my rows would be straight like my Papaw's and seeing that zigzagging line. But I eventually got the hang of it. Now that I think about it, this is how my life has been up to now. I have always been able to find the mark on the horizon and I have tried to get there in the straightest line as possible. Most of the time though, I still make those zigzags which has been okay as long as I get to where I am supposed to be. The lessons from my Grandfathers (My Papaw Barfield was a carpenter who built houses. A story for another time.) as well as from my Dad and Uncles have made me a successful person and I believe it is because I surround myself and my business with GOOD people who are mostly my family. Our business is truly a family owned and operated enterprise starting with my wonderful wife Cheryl who runs our offices, my loving son Christopher who does everything I do and all of the things I can't do, my brother and partner Randy who made me better at what I do by trying to be better than him, my Sister in Law Kellie who IS my office and who knows more about taking care of a business than I will ever know, and of course the field fillers who pitch in when they are needed, Elizabeth, Gabrielle, Paulette and Wayne. And of course our employees who are also our friends, Jason who can do anything from scraping gum off a brand new floor to building a whole house, Amy who has always showed up whether it was the worst of jobs or the best and always pitches in, and eager Aaron who always shows up early and keeps everything cleaned up and moving forward. We are truly BLESSED for having all of the family and friends in our life and for the success that we have achieved. The Lord is our marker and our radiator cap is lined up!!! Our rows are getting straighter every day. God Is Good!!! All The Time!!! All The Time!!! God Is Good!!!



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